
Candle light or burning fire

15-16 あなたがたの光を隠してはいけません。すべての人のために輝かせなさい。だれにも見えるように、あなたがたの良い行いを輝かせなさい。そうすれば、人々がそれを見て、天におられるあなたがたの父を、ほめたたえるようになるのです。
 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matt 5:15-16

Some people do not appreciate the candle light.
We, people in Messiah, are candle light, not flash light or any electricity.
Electricity is the work of Saturn.
I do not deny the benefit of science and technology.
Elohim knows that I am a person of technology.
All technology and science came from Elohim.
It is nothing but the grace of Elohim.
But you have to know that so was Saturn.
He once was a beautiful and glorious prince of Elohim.
But he fell.
Even after he fell, he was in the membership of "Divine Children"
You can see that in Job 1:6
It is Elohim that allowed Saturn to test Job.
Saturn is the "misinterpretation"  "misunderstanding" and

People think they don't need candle light though they know candle light heals human soul more.
But in the time of crises, they cling on the candle light.
I experienced a big earthquake in Kobe, Japan.
At that time, people realized how easily technology can fail.
But with a little candle....
we were warmed,
we could cook,
we could ensure that we had each other.
I remember very well, that the light of flashlight brought nothing but more fear making darkness even darker while the candle light comforted us.

I hear many times, people say "We don't need religion"
They think "ELOHIM" is a part of the religion and they can chose it according to their convenience.
First of all, ELOHIM the creator, our source of life, has nothing to do with any religions including Christianity.
He is the Truth.
Truth stands.  Truth is always there.
It is not something you can chose as you chose your ice-cream flavor.
We like it or not, ELOHIM EXISTS.
They think they don't need ELOHIM because they are good persons and having an OK life.
How hopeless that is!

I saw on TV a drama of two successful men that hate each other.
They both had a very similar habit.  They both practice daily mindfulness watching the candle light on smart phone app for 10 minutes.
It seems like the most of the successful leaders practice daily mindfulness.
The recent research reports us the great benefit of mindfulness.
But most of the people think that it is waste of time to look into the candle light.

We, people of Messiah, are candle light.
We do righteousness not really always likable to the people.

10 children were racing on the bicycle and hit 4 year old child few days ago in my neighborhood.  They tried to go away without making any apologies and they even said "the accident is both side responsibility"
The victim was my friend's daughter and fortunately the injure was not serious.
I called the local school and requested a strict instruction to those children but the problem was I didn't know who they were.
School also took it very serious because they knew that the bicycle race had been a kind of tradition among children.  They had been getting the same kind of reports for long time.  I suggested the school to act while the damage is not severe.
The school gathered the children immediately and suggested them to come forth.
But no one did.  The school really wanted to teach those who did that.
It is not to bully those kids, but it is for their sake.
So school asked me to introduce the victims to them.
I thought the mother of the child will collaborate willingly.
"Well.... the damage was not that serious and my older child is traumatized by the accident so I do not want to talk about that in front of the children anymore"
This is Japan.
They do not share the "Chance"
And, people criticized me as an arrogant person who peek my nose into somebody else's problem.
I get this always.
I prayed ELOHIM to give me a strength to stand firm.
"Please do not go through the test because I just followed your word.
I tried to light up as your candle light"
But in stead of comfort, He sent me the spirit of repentance.
The Holy Spirit made me look into myself with the candle light,
I saw a "revenge" and "greed to show myself off doing right thing"
Yes, I did the right thing and what I am saying is right.
But my intention was not totally pure.
A part of me wanted to take revenge against that school which bullied and cast off my son.  I wanted to teach them a lesson.  I wanted to make them understand how superior I was as a mother and as an educator.
I think that is why I could not heal my friend.
After all, it is me that let the Saturn win.
I was not a candle light, but was a burning fire that can burn the whole house.
I could have been a pain, again.

So what I asked  ABBA (the Father in heaven) was to pour his "Living Water" to "temperate" me.
I praise Yehushua the Messiah.


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